Boston Waterfront Apartments Welcome to Boston!

Boston Waterfront Apartments - We Have Listings in EVERY Building!

Welcome to The Waterfront!

This website is owned and operated by Boston City Properties, one of the largest real estate brokerages in the Downtown Boston area. We have listings in literally every single luxury apartment & condo building in the Boston Waterfront. This website provides free access to the largest real estate database in the Boston area, and includes 50+ up-to-the-minute listings in the Boston Waterfront area that are updated daily.

The listings on this system include:

-Harbor Towers
-Intercontinental Residences
-Battery Wharf
-Lincoln Wharf
-The Mariner
-Burroughs Wharf
-Lewis Wharf
-Boston Seaport District Loft developments
-Charlestown Navy Yard Luxury Developments

Our agents are on call 7 days a week to show apartments & condos and are among the friendliest and most well known realtors in Boston. Our agents know every inch of each building top to bottom and we get new listings in nonstop.

If you own a unit on the Boston Waterfront, and would like to list it -- we can get your unit rented right away. Boston City Properties is #1 in volume for apartments in all of Massachusetts in 2011 according to MLS statistics.

Contact Us Call (617) 247-1933 for LIVE help Open 7 days a week, 8am - 11pm